
A Node.js wrapper for the Stack Exchange chat system.
npm install chatexchangejs

Note: This library is still in development! Some features may be missing/not in a working state. While this library is functional, use with caution.

What is ChatExchangeJS?

ChatExchangeJS is a Node.js wrapper library for the Stack Exchange chats. It allows you to interact with the chat from your code, allowing the creation of bots and the like.


Don't want to use Node.js? There are ChatExchange libraries for Python and .NET 4.5.


Installing ChatExchangeJS, like most Node.js modules, couldn't be easier:

npm install chatexchangejs

Or yarn, if you're hip:

yarn add chatexchangejs

You can also download the zip, or clone it from github.

Using ChatExchangeJS

ChatExchangeJS is built to be simple to use. Because Node.js requests are async, there is extensive usage of Promises.

var Client = require("chatexchangejs");

//Enter the bot users creds here
var user = {email:"myemail", password: "mypassword", roomID:133210};

function Room(room) {
    room.on("message", msg => {
        console.log("New Message!", msg.content);

//Create new client for site
var me = new Client("");

//Login to site with username and password
me.login(, user.password).then(session => session.join(user.roomID).then(Room));

Further examples, as well as documentation, will be available in the future, as the beta progresses.